Saturday, July 06, 2019

New Pony Mail

I've slowed down somewhat on buying vintage Ponies - I have so many now, and a lot of the ones I want, I already have, and the ones I might want but don't have are either more money than I want to pay, or are in poor condition, and while I know it's theoretically possible to "rehair" them, I suspect that (a) that's expensive, at least to start up with (tools and supplies) and (b) it might take skills I don't have.

But I do still look. And I found one the other day. Glitter-embedded Ponies are among my favorites (along with the Twice-as-Fancies) and there are still a few I lack.

Like, up until today, Sunspot:

Though most of these ponies were intended to be female (the Big Brothers and the "Daddies" and the Little Brothers were sexually dimorphic - hairy fetlocks), I've headcanoned that Sunspot is a boy, because....well, he just looks like one to me. His color, and plus, on this one, the glitter has accumulated over his molded eyes in such a way that it looks a bit like heavy eyebrows.

And anyway, I don't have many actual "boy" ponies.

Also....well, I think Star Hopper has a boyfriend now...

(Yes, I tend to figure out pony "couples" or "relatives" (I have a few I imagine are sisters, for example, or a few moms-and-babies) and then I set them up together and don't separate them....)

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