Monday, July 01, 2019

found it again...

So, taking a break this morning, I looked around for reversible scarves for that Ferris Wheel yarn I talked about.

I found a couple on Ravelry, including one inspired by a scarf a character wore in the recent movie of "Emma." and I might wind up using that one. But I also remembered an older set of patterns:

Years and years ago, there was a site called Woolworks. It's gone now, or if it still exists it's just the frontpage of it. The patterns were all in ASCII format - just typed out. All the better for those of us who only had dot-matrix printers back then. (This would have been the late 1990s). I particularly remembered three reversible scarves that fell under the name of "Ruggles' Reversible Scarves" (IIRC, Ruggles was the family cat of the person who designed them).

Woolworks is long gone, but at least for now, the Web Archive has a copy up (I copied and pasted it into a Word file, and saved it in my "Pattern .pdfs" folder, just so I'd have it. I'm pretty sure I have an existing printout somewhere though).

But yeah. People say 'the web is forever' except in some cases it really isn't. (And bits "rot" on various storage devices. I've had CD-ROMs fail pretty spectacularly, and while I've not had a thumbdrive fail yet, I understand that they can. But I also don't trust having stuff stored 100% "in the cloud")

I am a little sad no one got permission before Woolworks shut down to make .pdf files of all those patterns and host them on Ravelry (though they would have to ask each author their permission, I suppose).

However, I did - through a chain of clicking - still exists. It's another of those sites that I remember from the "early days." In particular the free patterns seem to still be up (I suppose some of the links may have rotted, I don't know if Sarah Bradberry still actively maintains the site). There are some reversible scarves on there, and also a lot of vintage sock patterns (I should look at those again! Now that I have more experience knitting socks I might be better at "translating" the needle sizes and yarn types.

And then I found this again, which I had forgotten: Chili pepper socks. I remember I designed those in 1997 or thereabouts and wound up making a pair for my to-be-sister in law (at that point: my brother's fiancee). Wow. That takes me back. And it amazes and delights me that that's still up online.

(And yes, I'm officially credited there as the designer. It delights me that those are still there, hanging out on the Web, even though I forgot about them years ago)

That's also where I got the pattern for the Pumpkin Hat for Adults I sometimes wear on Hallowe'en, and there's a historical Monmouth cap I want to make, if I can ever find an appropriate yarn for it.

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