Wednesday, June 05, 2019

finding some things

Still no luck at locating the photograph of my grandfather. However, I did find a couple of things - some patterns (and a cover) I took from an old, old issue of Women's Day, patterns for stuffed-toy cats. In the early 1970s style, the patterns are wee-tiny, on a grid (and all the pieces overlapping) so you have to enlarge them. But I might keep it and take it any way - I could use an enlarging photocopier and a lot of the time, if you enlarge patterns all the same amount (even if it's not the full amount), they still work.

I also found an old photo album from the years I was six, seven, and eight. It has photographs from one of the Christmases in that era, and the year when I walked with the Brownie troop I was in in the Memorial Day parade (and I am even MORE convinced it was 1976, because immediately after those photographs in the album, there are ones from a summer trip we took to various Southwestern national parks, and I KNOW that was 1976.

I also found an old t-shirt of mine that my mom saved all these years (for a future quilt? For a future grandchild?) with a cartoon mouse (well, really maybe a rat; it's not quite as cute as I'd expect a mouse to be, but anything Rodentia when I was a kid was a mouse to me). I'm amazed at how small it is - I can't quite believe I was ever that little, but I was, and it was some time around the age of 7, because coincidentally, there are photographs of me in the shirt (at about age 7 or 8) in the photo album, so....

I'm going to see if my mom would either let me take some of the photos (they need to be removed from the album, anyway: it got wet and isn't in good shape) or maybe have copies of them made so that I can have them; I especially want some of the ones from the Memorial Day parade. (if I do get copies I might scan them and post them here). And the shirt, I think I'm going to see if I can get it clean, and maybe put it on one of my larger stuffed animals. It's probably a bit small for Pfred but it might fit one of them.

I don't know whether to go back more and look. I wish I could get permission to arrange for the disposal of some stuff....I found income-tax records from 1989, 1992, and 1993, and I am pretty sure those would be well outside of the statute of limitations for audits...

I wish I could find that photograph of my grandfather, though.

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