That's where today goes.
- had a massive fail trying to do something in BlackBoard (compute a weighted grade average - weighting grades other than by the amount of points an assignment is worth is STUPID anyway, but in the gen-ed class I have to do that). Apparently they changed how BlackBoard does it, and never told us. I appealed to others for help but no one else could figure it out. I still feel massively stupid for not being able to do it, and angry that I wasted the 45 minutes trying. And unhappy, because all my students now will be either wanting me to hand-calculate it for them, or will be angry with me for not having it available.
- Called Lowe's. Got told two separate stories so it's one of those "The sun is shining but my leg is wet and you're telling me it's raining?" situations: first, the installer was "on vacation" (so maybe you hire a back-up in these times?) and then "Oh, it's a special order, it's not in yet" (It's a freaking bog-standard nearly bottom-of-the-line Whirlpool. How hecking special can it BE?)
Finally got a call back: oh yes, it's in. Installer has been called and allegedly will call me by Friday. I'll believe it when I hear it.
I WAS planning on getting home around 2, doing the workout I was too tired to do this morning, do my piano practice, and then maybe turn in early. It never pays to plan on being able to do anything I want because life always intervenes.
I'm just really tired from the end of the semester but I am also having one of those "question all your life choices"/"feeling like nothing you do matters, not even to you" days. One of those days when wresting something like "meaning" out of life isn't so possible.
Maybe tomorrow will be better.
I hope it is.
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