Monday, May 20, 2019

Guess I'm ready

I don't like leaving with potentially heavy weather moving in. Oh, it's not likely to be bad where I am going, but I have people I care about in this region and I will be concerned about them.

I'm all packed. I did the various Things I must do before leaving home for a time (setting a lamp on a timer, putting automatic waterers on my plants, unplugging the various devices that generate heat, raising the temperature on the thermostat so the air conditioning doesn't run quite so much). The mail is being held, the last couple bills that came in have been paid.

I've got a bunch of books, including the huge "The Three Musketeers" and I have the two pairs of socks-in-progress and Harvest (I decided against starting a new sweater). I have a bunch of sockyarn and patterns, and the yarn for "Wingspan" and the pattern and needle needed for that. And the dress pattern and the fabric and pattern for the nightshirt.

And other things. I joked on Twitter that Ocellus is getting her trial run at being a "comfort stuffie" - I tucked her in my carry on. But I also took Fluttershy, "in case Ocellus needs some tutoring." I dunno. The little whimsy of that appeals to me. (I could see Ocellus wanting to serve a comforter role, but also be nervous about doing it "right"). I also stuck the squishmallow sloth in there - I call her Slothilda, after the cute sloth in the online comics - because she can serve as a pillow in an emergency.

My parents tend to stick closer to home these days (my dad is not very mobile) so I have to be sure to have enough to do. I can go out and go do things myself but....that's not that much different then than being down here.

I don't know whether to leave a little early or not, in case of running into heavy rain on the way. On the one hand, I hate sitting forever in the station, but on the other - it's awfully stressful to worry if you're going to make it (currently my train is on time, but that usually changes between Fort Worth and Dallas, unless the freight companies aren't running as many freights right now with the concern about bad weather).

I have a bunch of time-embargoed posts - one every other day or so - and depending, I may be able to throw up a real time post or two. I may try to check once I get in to Illinois to be sure that my mutuals in Oklahoma made it through the bad weather OK. Though now it's looking like it might be AFTER drive time, and it might actually be more Stillwater than Oklahoma City, so....I don't know.

1 comment:

purlewe said...

wishing you safe travels!!!