Saturday, April 27, 2019

Blind bag therapy

I spend too much money on blindbags. But, I also decided this morning: it's less self-destructive than drinking very much alcohol would be (or consuming other "things to blot out what bothers you") and probably is less self-destructive than eating cheeseburgers or cupcakes.

And I budget pretty carefully, so the occasional $10 dropped on a few blindbags won't break me. (And also, pfui to those who say "Oh, put that in your retirement account instead." I can guaran-damn-tee you an extra $20 a month will not make a difference between me being able to eat steak vs. hamburger in retirement. Also, the future is always uncertain and more and more I come down on the "take little pleasures when you can get it").

Wal-mart this morning had some of the Breyer blind bags. All sold out of the unicorn ones, boo, but they had "mini whinnies" and regular horses.

The mini whinnies are a disappontment: the ones I got ("Fritz" and "Tootsie") won't stand on their own, so either I get some blu-tak to stand them up, or they stay forever in "rolling in the dirt" position (With Tootsie, that seems plausible that she's rolling in the dirt but Fritz looks like he should stand).

I did also get two bigger ones:

I love the working breed horses. And I am naming him Spot, sorry not sorry*

(*When I was a very small child, I had one of those riding-horses-on-springs that were a thing in the 60s and 70s and I named HIM "Spot." He did have a few big blotchy spots....Spot also served my little brother and after he outgrew him, we passed Spot on to a friend for her grandkids)

Haven't decided on a name for her yet. (And yes, she is a she; Spot is pretty clearly a he from the sculpt details).

And I bought a couple of the Spirit horses, this is a new run, so it's unlikely I'd get one I already had. And I didn't. This is "Chica Linda," which I'm not sure whether it's a breed or a name (It means "pretty girl, " doesn't it?)

She is also properly molded (unlike the mini whinnies) and she stands well, even up on two legs (her tail is molded to be the third leg of a tripod so she has stability.)

I might try again today to run my car through the car wash; part of my disappointment last night was that they had closed by the time I got there.

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