Friday, August 17, 2018

oh thank goodness

Just got off the phone with my mom. She stayed over as long as she was comfortable (she does not like driving in the dark - has a small cataract that she tentatively plans to have removed in December when I'm up and able to help). She was delayed in calling me because apparently my uncle called multiple times while she was out and she felt like she needed to stop him worrying first. (She is calling my brother next; they are on the road somewhere so she figured it was more urgent to call me first. And also: my brother is not all by himself; he has his wife and his kid, so they can keep him from brooding about it)

(On the one hand: I'm glad, then, I didn't try calling, though I big reason I didn't was that I suspected she was out and I wouldn't get her. But on the other hand: maybe if I'd called a few times I'd have heard fifteen minutes earlier. Not that it's a big deal now)

Anyway: long story short is he is getting better. Was extubated early this morning as was the plan (My guess that it was to get more O2 in him was correct: the big concern now is his O2 sats aren't quite as high as they want them yet and he does have a nasal cannula even though he dislikes it).

She commented that midmorning he asked for the remote for the tv in the hospital room, which tells me he was feeling better. (I really hope there are at least a few Cubs games while he's in there so he has something worth watching). He also seems to have eaten pretty well and I know the few times I had walking pneumonia (which is less serious but still pneumonia), I didn't want to eat, so.

She's going to go back and hang out over there tomorrow and call me again tomorrow evening but it looks at this point like my dad will be coming home. HOPEFULLY straight home, though one doctor did raise the possibility of rehab care, though when he came home after the fall last November they were able to get a home-health nurse in (though that was more for wound care than anything).

A PT is seeing him to try to get him moving again and I hope they have a pulmonologist take a look at him too.

I suppose the real blessing in this is that this was caught early - he had a doctor's appointment on the 6th and nothing was remiss then, and like I said, on Wednesday night he seemed pretty much himself when we talked on the phone.

But yeah. this has been a scary and unpleasant couple of days.

A huge thank you to everyone who prayed, send good thoughts, mojo, light, everything. I'm relieved this was not worse though I do know - since my dad is 83 - there will be a day when it is worse, and I hope I can cope with it okay then.

I need to do my last bit of piano practice and maybe I will sit up for a while and knit - I have really nowhere I HAVE to be tomorrow; I can get what food I need for the week locally, and I might just stay home (in the cool; it's gotten terribly hot and humid here again) and sew or knit and try to feel like I have control over a little something in my life.

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