Friday, April 27, 2018

As promised, photos

Because the Horrible Phone People intervened I'm making a separate post for these (and holy cow, I have been getting "UNKNOWN NUMBER" calls out the wazoo this week. It frustrates me because I'm on the Do Not Call list and I can only presume it's because I'm one of the few with the anility to still have a landline, I get hammered by all the scammy spammers.)

But it's frustrating to have to jump up seemingly every five minutes when working to look at the Caller ID. (I almost called my parents to tell them I was turning the phone ringer off in case they called me; they'd be likely the only ones who WOULD)

But anyway. Here are the photos, as promised. First, Gabby and the "new girl," Cinnamon:

Cinny and Gabby

I kind of want a granny dress like what Cinnamon has on and even procrastigraded a little by looking for a pattern online, but couldn't find one. (I suppose there are vintage patterns out there, but given how sizes have changed, I don't even know what I'd need - probably a 22 or some such - given late 1960s sizing). I like the dress on her and surprisingly it works well with her coloring. And I like the slightly preppy outfit on Gabby.

The thing that forms the backdrop is the wrapped Mother's Day gift - I got out to Kopper Kettle today and found several good things. And they do free gift wrapping. I might save the potholders to go with her birthday gift...I spent more on this than I planned (it is a fancy magnetic towel-holder to go on the fridge, a tin of nice mint green tea, and a beer-bread mix - all things I think she will like, she likes baking and I know she likes mint green tea) and so I could do the potholders with the Bas Bleu gift certificate I am planning for her birthday later in May.

Then I photographed the "new" quilt. I got this back from the quilt shop in October last year but just now got the binding on it:

Engelbreit quilt

Some of those fabrics are from the Mary Engelbreit line that was out about a dozen years ago (the wide borders are, and the floral green and red prints).

I call it my "1940s Kitchen Quilt" because the colors remind me of the 1940s and the style of some of the fabrics make me think of textiles from that era.

Here's a side view that might show the quilting a little better:

Engelbreit quilt side

I'm glad I got this one (finally!) quilted and I should probably dig through my pile of tops and pick out a couple more that I could send out to have quilted - it's nice to have quilts in final usable form.

And a bonus shot. It was a good year for the pale-yellow irises in my backyard. I keep saying that (a) I need to divide these come fall and (b) I want to get some dark-purple ones to put in for color contrast.


(I wonder if Steve's mother planted these, or if they were here before her? My little house has quite a history; before she owned it it was owned by a Mrs. Park who was apparently a member of the same church I am, and it might be Mrs. Park who did all the weird renovations (like the ceramic tile in the kitchen) based on some things people who knew her said)

1 comment:

purlewe said...

I love the irises and the quilt. Was there a specific pattern for that quilt? I love how it looks random with the squares, but I bet it isn't.