Thursday, February 22, 2018

Not totally happy

Campus, yes, is open today. 1/3 of my 8 am class was present. I taught most of the time and then let them go early. Later on I found out several people could not get out of the rural area where they lived safely (trees down), one was at the ER with someone, another couldn't manage childcare early in the day because schools are closed and....yeah.

Lots of trees down. We're gonna lose one of "Hollywood junipers" (no idea if that's a cultivar or what, that's what I was told they were) next to the front door; it's bent nearly all the way over and I drove in the other drive to avoid it.

It's supposed to get over freezing this afternoon and I hope it does, and I hope the ice on the trees and power lines just melts nicely instead of causing more breakage.

This was a fricking full-fledged ice storm, but apparently no one recognized it as such.

I was worried this morning - my mind turns odd places while working out - "What if the power outage hit campus and fried my office computer?" (it happened once before, but that was a transformer close to the building actually blowing out). I realized I hadn't saved the "teaching statement" for the award, or (more urgently) the Science Olympiad exams anywhere else.

Well, the computer apparently had shut itself down overnight (Long story short: but I leave it on so all the maintenance type stuff that happens in the background can happen overnight, and also, one of the things that seemed to contribute to the old one failing was too much on-and-off). But it was OK, and I've uploaded my teaching statement to the award site and should print the Sci Oly exams today.

And yeah. Another change in plans: more teams in one section, fewer in the other, but wait, there might be some teams who signed up and haven't confirmed and are still coming stability and changing plans make Erica something something.

I didn't do anything, really, relaxing last night (unless you count hanging out online, at least for when I had power). I need to make more time for that. Especially tonight and tomorrow night, seeing as Saturday is entirely spoken for, and Sunday is church, then lunch after church (and I am still coming up empty as to what to make, and might just default to doing a big batch of some kind of snack cake or something, or maybe I get some canned fruit and do curried fruit again, I could do that in a hurry Sunday morning). AND a Wesley center Board meeting, so....I am not a happy camper.

NEXT weekend, though. Next weekend I am putting work aside at 11 am on Friday (when I walk out of class) and am ONLY doing piano practice (which I want to do anyway) and prepping my Sunday school lesson - and other than that, no. Friday afternoon will be relaxation, maybe watch some cartoons and knit, Saturday is going to be a trip to Whitesboro and maybe Sherman, Sunday afternoon I think I will sew....and no one can ask me to do anything, certainly not on campus, because my response will be "I am not available." I was available THIS weekend, so I am not available next.

But yeah. It seems that when stuff happens - like the power going out - I get sidetracked and do stuff like run around checking on battery supplies and trying to find battery operated alarm clocks and also sitting and fuming and stuff. I could have just taken the simple sock I am knitting on and got into bed and knit by lantern light, and just left one light in the living room on so I'd know if the power came back on....

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