Sunday, October 29, 2017

the eternal problem

One of the classic "jokes about women" is the woman trying on jeans and asking her (usually-male) companion, "Do these make my butt look big?"

In my case, considering wearing one of the new dresses to church today, and I put it on, and asked myself, "Does this dress make me look too busty?"

But like the sometimes-used punchline in the joke: it's not the dress that makes me look busty, it's my BUST that makes me look busty. (Sigh).

I'm wearing it anyway, but putting a shawl over in the hopes of maybe a little modesty. It's nice dress but I forgot how self-conscious knit dresses made me. (I didn't have a sweater that worked with the bell sleeves.

Edited to add: a couple better photos, taken after church. This is a full length one, showing how short it is. (This is as short as I will EVER go in a dress, even this makes me a little uncomfortable. Also notice it "takes up" a little in the front, I can only assume that's because of the, uh, protruberances in the way)

dress 2

A better photo, at least, one where I could "compose" my face in the mirror (behind the camera) before the shot:

dress 1

I guess it's not too revealing or anything but I admit I can't help feeling a bit like a fatter version of Jayne Mansfield in this. (No, I will not go out for joyrides in convertibles). 


CGHill said...

There's no reason to go shorter than that, really. Especially if it makes you uncomfortable.

purlewe said...

I find that if I feel like a dress is too short, especially b'c it rises up in front due to my busty-ness, I have take to wearing leggings under it. I won't wear legging by themselves, but under a dress too short I think is fine.