Sunday, May 10, 2015

Yet another pony

I finished Folio last night. I have to explain, this is what is sometimes called an "OC" pony (for "Original Character." I admit I kind of hate that designation, but it's pretty standard, so I use it). In other words, she's a non-canonical character that I made up.

Grey pegasus pony with a super curly coral colored mane. She's a book-pony, and in my headcanon she is the pony who runs the library in Whinnywood. (I have also headcanoned that Scholastica, my other OC pony, runs the Whinnywood Historical Museum* and is also Folio's BFF.)

So here she is. (I hope this works, YET AGAIN Flickr changed their interface)


 I decided after doing her eyes that she was an extra-girly pony, and so she needed lipstick. See:

Folio fae

The funny thing is now she reminds me just a tiny bit of Lucille Ball, even if the coloring is considerably different.

But she IS a book-pony, and has done whatever the Equestria variety of an MLIS is, so, she works with books. And her cutie mark is an open book:

Folio butt symbol

Like a lot of these critters, she comes out able to stand on her own, thanks to how tight the crocheting is and how stiff the fabric that results is:

Folio standing

(*And oh, I can come up with so much headcanon so easily. I spent the better part of one day collecting some samples - which take more physical and less mental heavy lifting - coming up with a whole backstory, and with the idea that Whinnywood is near the Hemione Mounds - an Equestrian historical site where there are artifacts from the first ponies to live there....and so on and so forth. It's not all that different from what I did as a kid, which I called "making up stories" and which provided a way to stand in line somewhere patiently, or to spend a rainy afternoon, or even to do after I had climbed up into a tree and was hanging out there.)

Oh, and change of venue. I'm now sitting in my bathroom; there is a tornado warning for us though it's unlikely it will hit us.

And yes. Just as when I was a kid, if I have time, I gather up my most precious stuffies and take them in the safe room with me. I don't just have Chysalis - all the other ponies I made, as well as a few others (Rupert the fawn, Oona, the oribatid mite) are stuffed in a bag and are behind me). Oh, I also have sturdy shoes and a couple of bottles of water and a battery radio and my purse in here - I'm good at being prepared. But really, of the things I own (that are portable, unlike my piano), these are the ones I'd be most upset to lose, so.....

(And I really wish the one local radio station that rebroadcasts the local weather when needed wasn't a country station. Sigh. They're playing music now so I suppose it's not as dire as they thought a few minutes ago.)

Still, I can hear loud thunder so I think I'll stay in here for a bit.

Oh, one other Manitea tea infuser came yesterday:


Heh. I have multiple ways of making loose tea now - a french press sort of thing, a strainer basket that sits in a cup, a tea ball, and now this.

1 comment:

purlewe said...

I love the mana-tea!!!