This weekend, I think I need to start on the frog project (the Flapjack Frogs for my niece). I'm still working on the gift socks but if I don't get those TOTALLY done that's less of a problem then not having my niece's Christmas gift done.
I mowed and did a little edging yesterday. I am ready to be done with this for the fall. But seeing as it's supposed to be 87 (!) degrees out this weekend, I suspect I'll have to mow at least once more, especially if we get rain. (I'm very paranoid now about letting my lawn get even a little tall, given what happened this summer. Yes, the now-vacant house south of me has a tall lawn but I don't know that that would draw attention away from me).
I have an appointment this afternoon with a roof guy. This is someone the husband of my church's secretary uses; he called him on my behalf. (And obviously told the guy I was a Ph.D., the man called me "Doctor" when he called up. This amuses me slightly; most workpeople call me "Ms." or, if they know I'm not married and they're a slightly older person, "Miss." I don't correct them because I don't really care that much; I am not the kind of person who feels a need for everyone to know I have a Ph.D.) Hopefully he can deal with the issue and stop the leak.
They caught the escaped guy. He had made it to Hot Springs, apparently after having been helped by a former girlfriend (who has herself been arrested). The claim now is that he "hopped a train." I didn't realize that still happened - that people got on moving freights and traveled around the country. (There is no Amtrak service originating here - I wish there was - so I assume it meant hopping a freight. Also, Amtrak often checks ID, and he'd be caught if they did)
I will say I don't understand helping someone who is pretty clearly guilty of what they're charged with. (And this is not like assisting someone who is a "criminal" because they continue to feed the homeless despite the city telling them not to, or a "criminal" because they participated in a protest I would agree with....) And anyway, like so many things: you're going to get found out eventually. Much better, I think, to 'fess up and accept whatever consequences. (And heck, better off not to hurt other people in the first place...)
I guess in a lot of ways I have led, and continue to lead, a really sheltered life.
And, I don't know. Watched what happened in Canada yesterday. It made me sad and also kind of angry. And I'm also angry at some of the things said in the wake of it, and the fact that this seems, weirdly, to be bringing out some of the darker parts of human nature. There's actually been some sniping back and forth, and some of the old "Tragedy? You don't KNOW tragedy!" commentary.
And in all of this, I remain so puzzled about how something that purports to represent a religion advocates killing people and spreading horror.
ALL the things going on in the news right now. I wonder if we're hitting a tipping point where a critical mass of people are, I don't know, doing some kind of twisted Descartes thing where they go, "I know I think, therefore I am human. But I can't really tell what you are thinking if you think, and therefore I'm not convinced you're human."
How awful, though, to be an honor guard standing before a memorial, and to just be gunned down. How awful for that soldier's family. And I admit, I saw the photo of the people in Canada's Parliament barring the door with chairs and tables, and I shuddered a little, because that's what we've been told to do in the case of an on-campus shooter situation. I've rehearsed in my head telling my class, "I need five or six good strong people to help me block the door with the tables and chairs." I hope and pray I never actually have to say that.
I tell myself that "IT*" can't win, that what is good and loving and right will win and in fact has already won....but it seems like we have to go through so much to get there.
(*I've started thinking of these things, these attitudes, as being like that dark cloud in "A Wrinkle in Time" that stars would give up their "lives" to combat....)
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