I decided to take a run by the toy section just in case. The last few times I've been there, there either has been (a) a box for the "Neon Wave" of Pony figures, but no figures to be had or (b) no box at all (Last time instead they had blindbag "Littlest Pet Shop" and "Care Bears" figures. Um, no.)
But this time....a box with some in it! So either the needs of the Sherman-area Bronies (and little children who like the Ponies) had been satiated, or a new box had recently been put out. So I bought six packages. I figured, even if they are characters I already had, they'd be different color morphs of them. (Neon, as opposed to plain, glitterated, or see-thru - the other waves I've been able to buy figures from).
But I struck lucky. (As I've said before: I know there are codes out there so you can determine. But for me, part of the fun is the element of surprise. (Heh. That's one that didn't make it into the Mane Six). And also, I never can count on being able to find them, and my purse is heavy enough to begin with (And I don't have a smartphone to call the codes up on).
Anyway. I decided to open all six as soon as I got home. First bag....felt like long skinny legs. Flim or Flam? (Those were the two I was really hoping for). YES. Flim, or "Flim Skim" as he's apparently officially called.
The next bag had a pegasus named Skywishes. And I got a neon Pinkie Pie. (I suppose one could re-enact "Too Many Pinkie Pies" if you got enough copies of her). And Mosely Orange, in a non-glitterated format. And a male unicorn - those seem to be really rare in the sets - named Comet Tail.
Then, the last bag. I opened it, saw the top of a boater hat. "Probably another Flim, oh well. Maybe I can trade."
Nope. It was Flam.
So in one purchase, I got the exact two ponies I wanted from this "wave," plus a couple of others that are different.
Flim and Flam are on a similar mold to Mr. Cake, except he's not a unicorn (and he has a SERIOUS underbite. Maybe in addition to there not seeming to be dentists in Ponyville, there also aren't orthodontists....though, wait, doesn't Twist have braces, and that's what makes her lisp?)
I really need to put up a shelf or something to house all of these....
The con I went to in Kansas City had more than a hint of the Sneaky Brothers: two guys were expertly cosplaying Flim and Flam -- and they kept swapping the mustache around so you'd lose track of which was which -- and voice artist Sam Vincent, who does Flim, was on hand (or, I suppose, hoof) to tell us some tales about the production. (One of his long-time best buds was tapped for Flam, but neither of them knew it until they showed up for the session.)
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