Thursday, July 25, 2013

Proof of sleeve

I can't quite believe today is the last day of summer session.

On the one hand, I'm sorry to have these classes end - like most of my summer classes, the students were engaged and interested and did well (in one class, the exam average was 15 percentage points above what it is during the regular semester. As I do not think my teaching skill took a sudden spike between early May and early June, I am sure that is attributable to the students)

On the other hand: it's nice to wrap up another semester. And it will be nice to have a few days off. (Fewer than in the past; we now have a week of "Faculty Development" meetings, which started up last year - those were two days' worth and they dam' near killed me. I may HAVE to bring knitting, sit in the back, and stealth-knit in order to keep my sanity.)

But for now, I have a little free time. So I'm working on this at home:

(I have no idea if this is going to work. I can't get the "share" icon to work on my photostream right now, very annoying. I didn't reset anything so I assume it's flickr being stupid. And they don't have an obvious link to a "help" page any more, so I assume that means there isn't one.)

(Well, dangit. I'll download it to my computer and then use Blogger's photo-posting. Stupid flickr. Hm. I can still use Ravelry's photo-grabber to post on my Ravelry page....)


I'm about halfway done with the increases. I know the sleeve looks big, but I tried it on and it won't be too large - the stitch pattern seems to pull it in a lot.

I'll be glad to have this one done. I've decided to take it with me on vacation (I have the second sleeve, and then the collar and zipper-band to do). If I finish this, and if I finish the Boxed Raglan (I anticipate I will finish the knitting during the exams today), I will have both the sweaters I was working on done - and can start a new one. (Probably the Pearl Buck jacket; maybe that lace cardigan from New England Knits....)

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