Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A question's answer

I thought of this several days ago, but it still amuses me a great deal.

If anyone ever asks me what song I would like for my cellphone ringtone, I am going to tell them "4'33" by John Cage."

(In case you're unfamiliar (and a joke, explained, loses a lot of its humor, I think), go here

(And yes, I get the "point" of what Cage was doing. But still...I like the idea of claiming it as my ringtone. Though in reality, my ringtone is something called something like "Provincial" which sounds kind of like an old-style phone ring.)


CGHill said...

It's a nifty idea, though those folks who believe that getting Out Of Touch for even a few seconds is a threat to their way of life will undoubtedly be confused, even after you explain it to them.

I always wanted 4'33" on a jukebox, so a quarter (or whatever it costs these days) would buy you a little bit of quiet.

Lynn said...

hehe... great idea