There's an
article in Slate magazine that does a bit of a "compare and contrast" (as my high school English teachers used to say) between Facebook and Ravelry, and Ravelry - because it's more targeted, because it's pseudononymous at best (rather than truly anonymous, like so many online fora), and perhaps because the people on there are, by and large, nicer people. (Though also, we mods moderate the heck out of our boards - I am a co-moderator on two boards on there).
(Also, the article could be taken as a condemnation of "feature bloat" - yes, Ravelry has a LOT of features, some of which most users don't even use - but it DOESN'T try to be the wal-mart of online stuff, like some other sites.)
But the first thing the article made me think of? This:
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