Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"it's like dominoes."

Yeah, because our candidate turned us down, and because of the skills of the people we will be able to get in as part-timers this fall, I WILL be teaching the introductory majors' class.

Oh well.

I will say I did manage to negotiate myself out of at least one, and possibly two, of the sections of non-majors lab they had me teaching. Based on the argument that the intro majors' class would be a tough new prep for me, and it would really help to have that time back.

(And actually: we get one hour towards our load for every 2-3 hours in lab. So it's probably fairly "cheap" for the department to cycle me out of those labs but get me to do the tougher class. I will be cycling out of the non-majors biology lecture, which I'm fine with. I'm ready for a break from that. I just hope I can be ready to teach the majors cellular and molecular biology, and biochemistry, and genetics.)

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