I decided to join another online swap. This one is "order something for your swap-partner off of Etsy, and also send them a skein or more of yarn."
The issue is, for the "about me" questionnaire, there is this question: "Give a one-word visual description of your style." I was warned by the poster that I would be eaten by velociraptors if I used more than one word. (Some of the suggested things that people might use: "Steampunk," "kawaii," "earthy").
The problem is, I cannot think of one overarching descriptor for myself. Some days I dress kind of earth-mama, some of the accessories I have border on "kawaii" (and I like cute stuff), I also like vintage stuff. I often dress in pretty divergent styles over the course of a week, from ironed khakis and a crisp pastel t-shirt with some kind of pretty picture on it, to a little cotton dress, to a long skirt and arty top, to jeans and an old conference t-shirt.
Kawaii doesn't totally work because I think I've "aged out" of a lot of kawaii stuff. And earth-mama isn't perfect because stuff like hemp necklaces give me rashes. I'm not really "steampunk" because a lot of that is awfully dark.
I snarkily threatened to describe my appearance as PROFESSORIAL but I think that would hamper someone if they were using it as a search term for stuff on Etsy.
I'm leaning towards "quirky" but frankly think that's awfully broad.
So anyway: asking for advice. Because I don't always trust my own perception of myself and would rather see what a group of semi-random semi-strangers think. Most of you have seen pictures of me either on this blog or on my flickr stream.
Ok, I'll start: kind, eccentric, unconventional, sincere, childlike, forthright, genuine, devout, meticulous, prudent, scrupulous, shy, thoughtful, conscientious, open, honest, unpretentious, intelligent....
"Fillyjonk" says it precisely.
Why not use your favorite color - that way, even if it's an oddity, it'll go with what you already own and it might jumpstart your own imagination.
Otherwise, I'd say bighearted
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