Saturday, January 08, 2011

Easy being cheesy?

One of the things I finished over break was the Cheese-kun amigurumi. I'm glad I decided to carry this with me to finish, because (tragedy!) I FORGOT the book with the crocheted pony pattern in it I wanted to make at home. So I couldn't do that.

Cheese-kun is the mascot of the Japanese arm of the Pizza Hut chain. I guess it was also featured in an anime series (that I haven't seen). As I said, I made it partly because the idea of amigurumi of animate food amuse me.

Cheese-kun is pretty huge as amigurumi go.

Here he is, waiting patiently for the Saturday morning cartoons to begin:


(I guess kids now don't have that same memory? With some channels that show cartoons 24 hours a day, and with the networks having a greatly pared-down cartoon selection? I still remember getting up and sitting through the Farm Report just so I could be sure to catch all the cartoons in a day. And it was a big deal every fall when they rolled out the new cartoon series. Though even back then I realized what copycats the networks were: the year or so after "Jaws" was popular, the networks came out with Jabberjaw and there was at least one other cartoon featuring a shark character. And when Scooby-Doo was popular, there was a spate of "teens solving mysteries or fighting crime" type shows...

Of course, I also remember that you had to get up and walk across the room, and turn a dial to change channels, as well..)

Anyway, back to Cheese-kun. One of the nice things about amigurumi is that you can use cheap, readily-available yarn, and they still look good. (And in fact, to get the "sculptural" quality, you're best off using a firm acrylic yarn - wool can get kind of stretchy). This one is made from Caron Super Saver from, yes, the local wal-mart. (The closest thing in town to a general craft store, unless one of the antique shops happens to get some yarn in stock).

Here's another picture to show the size of Cheese-kun. He is slightly over a foot tall.

cheese-kun scale shot

I'm not sure why I have such a dubious expression on my face in that photo.

1 comment:

CGHill said...

Given Cheese-kun's expression, which is downright inscrutable, a merely "dubious" expression seems almost comprehensible.