Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Notes to myself

Other people's fecklessness and irresponsibility are NOT your problem. If someone fails to come and get an assignment from you when you have told them three times they need to get it, you are under NO obligation to give them extra time to complete it when they finally do come and get it. In fact, you are probably under an obligation to be tough with them because apparently no one else has been before and they don't understand the concept of deadlines.

Other people's fecklessness should not prevent you from getting the things you need to do, and things you want to do (like finishing up some research before break) done. Your priorities also get priority in this world. You are not these people's mother, and even if you were, they are over 18 and their own mothers no longer have a legal or even ethical obligation to salve their boo-boos and mop up after them.

It is okay to sometimes say not just "No," but "Hell, no!" when someone expects something of you that is far over and above any accommodation you would have even dreamed of when you were a student.

It is also not your fault when students fail to earn a passing grade in your classes, no matter how much they may try to make you feel that.

The world will not come to an end if you do not get the leaves raked out of your yard this week.

It is probably okay to say to yourself that you deserve a little time to just sit in your comfortable chair tonight and knit or crochet.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

I hope things get better. What an awful season it's been for people.