Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Argh. The photos below were taken at a happier moment, before I found I have what is probably a backed-up drainline in the house. (I was running a load of laundry and dirty water started to bubble up in the tub and toilet. I have a plumber coming out early tomorrow morning and he assured me it was OK to use the toilet, just not shower or anything (not like I would, until I can clean all the crap* out of the tub, and I just don't have the energy for that tonight). Because otherwise, I WOULD be taking a room in a hotel for the night. I don't do buckets or mason jars or any of the other un-funny suggestions people made to me.)

(*not literally. It looks kind of like bits of leaves, which frightens me a little that there might be a break in the line somewhere.)

But anyway. Let's figuratively stick our fingers in our ears and go "la la la" so we can't hear the water gurgling up in the tub. (Not that it is, any more, and it did drain back out).

First of all, some old knitted stuff. This hat is 11 years old. I know that because I remember finishing it up while sitting in the hotel room before my brother's wedding.

I call this my "crazy Christmas hat." I guess I forgot to wear it last year and maybe even the year before, but I got to thinking about it today and wondered, "Where's my crazy Christmas hat at?" So I dug through the big totes of knitted stuff and located it.

This is the hat that, when he first saw me wearing it, uttered the famous line, "Only you, Erica. Only you."

crazy Christmas hat

Frankly, I think it's rather fetching, but then I am not known for my fashion sense.

I also finished the first of the Lepidoptera mitts. This is a fun pattern to make and goes fairly quickly. I did do one modification, the original pattern does not call for ribbing at the top (finger) edge, but I did 6 rows of ribbing as for the cuff.

lepidoptera 1

These were made using a Damsefly yarn, I think the colorway was named Northern Lights. They actually look a little Goth-y to me with the green and black, but I like them.

I also have a single skein of a very pretty rose-and-green mix Wildfoote that I bought because I loved it so much, even if there was the only skein and there wasn't enough for socks. But there should be for a pair of mitts, so I may make myself a second pair off this pattern using that yarn. (Especially now that I know how many repeats of the pattern is "right" and all that).


Lynn said...

I love the hat! Seriously, that is a great hat. If appreciating that hat is not fashion sense then I don't want any either.

Mom on Health Patrol said...

That hat is awesome and would be VERY popular around here!

Kucki68 said...

The mitts look great. I would have put at least a bit of ribbing at the top, too. Nice!

Spike said...

Wow. That hat has me thinking about Jane from _Firefly_ and the line "A man wears a hat like that, you know he's not afraid of anything."

But hey, you can get away with a LOT at Christmas--even wacky hats. Maybe ESPECIALLY wacky hats. Rock on, Fillyjonk.

Big Alice said...

I agree that you do look very fetching in that hat.