Friday, October 23, 2009

I LOVE the free rice game. Not just because I'm good at it.

I'll have to check out those other resources when I get a little time (i.e., when I'm done doing a treasure-hunt for soil invertebrates).

And once again, I think good old "reading a lot" (especially when you are a student) is a great thing to help vocabulary. (Though it's rare these days that I run across a word I do not know).


I hate spam where the subject lines play on one's insecurities or ego. I got one this morning that said, "Star Teacher, I always love your class." As the sender was not any name I recognize (stanislaus0.0), I know it had to be spam. (And because someone used the phrase "Star Teacher." I will never be what passes for a "Star" teacher these days)

I also had a particular blinding hate for the ones that would get sent out around Valentine's Day, suggesting that one had a secret admirer. Now, I know - the concept of secret admirers pretty much dies when it's time to put away your high school letter sweater and enter the World of Adults, but still, you know? It would be nice sometimes.

1 comment:

dragon knitter said...

i love the free rice game, too! and as a well-read person, it just makes me squee to hear my youngest and his vocabulary (how many 15 year olds use the phrase "i concur?")