Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yes, "invigilate" sounds like you are holding a vigil; "proctoring" has that proct- root in it (which may be a false association, I don't know) so it sounds like you're sitting on your, um, prat.

Besides, "invigilate" sounds much more Harry Potter.


There is something a little bit wrong about it being 40* F out and it being DST. I know, I'm complaining about DST again, but I really hate the "extension" of it into times of the year where it should not occur. (And I will not get to see the sun today, looking at my schedule. Yeah, it's really 'saving' me a lot of daylight.)

On the upside, we're finally getting a bit of rain. We need considerably more.


The NYTimes had a story the other day on grey hair. Apparently researchers have figured out the reaction (interestingly, it involves hydrogen bleaches itself from the inside. Gives one pause to think about Marilyn Monroe and the others that were often called "peroxide blondes").

I've said before, and I'll say again: personally, I think for me, getting a dye job and its subsequent touch-ups is more trouble than I'd be willing to go to. (And at any rate, it seems like at the rate which my hair is turning, it will be at least 5 more years before I need to contemplate that).

Then again...perhaps this is my tiny chance to rebel, considering that the trend seems to be for every woman between 40 and 65 to continue to strive to look like she is 30. I never rebelled as a teenager - no fuchsia hair, no half-shaved head, no piercings (though I was a teen a bit before non-ear piercings became really hot).


Spring break kind of sneaked up on me this year: it's next week. I need to start planning what to take with me. (I will need to take my taxes; before I could sit down to do them my mom called and said that some more investment-related paperwork came for me. We all use the same brokerage so it's just easier to have them send all the stuff to the same address. Most of these are investments I inherited from grandparents and while it's nice to know I would have an emergency source of income (well, maybe not now, the way the market's going) if I needed to sell them, still, they do tend to complicate things).

I do plan on taking the various socks and finishing them, and either the Cobblestone Pullover or the long-stalled Bird's Nest Shawl. I will still need to think about that.


I picked up the temporarily-stalled Little Child's Sock and worked on them last night; got midway through the heel flap. One of the things I love about the various craft stuff I do is that you can DO that - you can set something down for weeks, months, or even years, and (provided you kept reasonable notes on where you left off) pick it up again later and start back up.

You can't do that with everything. As much as I enjoyed doing the stuff with pottery in high school art, you can't stop throwing a pot midway through and put it away. And once you've fired up the kiln, you're pretty well committed to finishing the whole process.

I've also been picking at the quilt in the frame. Yeah, I missed the self-imposed "finish it before I'm 40" deadline. I've missed every self-imposed deadline on this one so I've decided to stop with the deadlines.


Anonymous said...

Many of the people in my family start getting grey hair fairly early but then never get a lot of grey but others, like my mother, are mostly grey by the time they're in their mid to late 60s. I hoping I'll be one of the former. It's looking possible so far. But if I'm not one of the lucky ones maybe this new discovery will help them come up with a way to get rid of grey from the inside.

Anonymous said...

grrrrrr! I hate typos. "I'm hoping..."