Friday, November 12, 2004

Well, now that my furnace is essentially fixed (the part is in, it will be installed this afternoon), revenons à nos moutons

or, à nos acryliques, as the case may be.


This is the prayer afghan/blanket/thing for my dad. I'm almost done with it; I'm thinking it will be long enough at five feet or so long.


And I decided to try to crank out at least one "Umbilical Cord Hat" before the shower tomorrow; I'm using a funny chenille-y yarn called "baby teri." It's very soft, so it should make a good baby hat. (I will eventually make two but as the shower is tomorrow at 10:30, I am not sure I will be able to complete both in time).


And it's New Knitted Item Debut Day - this is the green Inca Alpaca vest, knit from the Chinese Vest pattern in Folk Vests. I finally sewed the buttons on it last night. I finished the vest last spring, but never sewed the buttons on - partly, it was too warm out then to wear it, and partly I hate sewing on shank-type buttons. But I forced myself to last night, and I'm happy I did - they still haven't got the heat on in my classroom building.

I love vests. I've already decided that the antique-rose Highland Wool is going to be used to make the XO vest out of Folk Vests.

1 comment:

Lydia said...

That looks really good on you. You wear greens so well.
