Friday, January 24, 2003

The Friday Five:

1. What is one thing you don't like about your body?

I have a little potbelly. It's the single thing that bugs me the most. It seems to be resistant to sit-ups and to exercise in general.
Oh well, Botticelli's Venus looks like she had one too.

2. What are two things you love about your body?

I am physically strong. I can hike 10+ miles in a day if necessary. I can carry 40 pound bags of soil without too much difficulty.
I also think, on my very best days, that I bear a faint resemblance (about the face at least) to Botticelli's Venus.

3. What are three things you want to change about your home?

I would like to have a real pantry. I would like to get rid of the mice or squirrels or whatever that hangs out in my attic. I'd like to replace the white ceramic tile in the kitchen with something that doesn't look dirty two minutes after you scrub it.

4. What are four books you want to read this year?

Annals of the Former World (John McPhee, geology of the US), Great Expectations (Dickens, and I'm embarrassed to say I never read it), more poetry, and maybe start in on the hugacious Rememberance of Things Past (by Proust).

5. What are five promises you have kept to yourself?

1. I will work for a little while every day (or almost every day) on my quilt.
2. I will submit a grant proposal this year
3. I will not feel guilty about buying healthy food that might be a little more expensive because it has some "convenience" feature
4. I will obtain all of the Northcott's "State Flowers" fabrics
5. I will exercise at least 3 times a week.

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