Sunday, January 26, 2003

By my reckoning, I've been blogging for a year as of today.

Happy birthday, little blog.

In knitting news, I finished the green Opal 2002 socks last night. I used a Round Toe, which is my new favorite toe style - it fits well, looks good, and doesn't involve the Kitchener stitch, which although I can do it, always looks a bit imperfect for me.

for the round toe, you start with a number of stitches divisible by 8. The first row, you knit 6, k2 tog all around. Then you knit six rows plain. Then you knit 5, k2tog all around, then knit five rows plain. You keep up in that pattern - reducing the number of stitches between decreases by one, and the number of plain rows by one, until you have knit 1, k2tog all around, followed by one plain row. Then you knit 2 together all around, break off the yarn, and pull it through the remaining stitches.

I started on the Feather and Fan socks for my mother's birthday. I am using Wildfoote in "Geranium". It's still too early to really see how the lace looks in such a dark/intense color.

Another thing I am doing, I am planning on starting to follow along with the Lectionary schedule of reading the Bible - it appeals more to me to read the passages other Christians are reading, on the same day with them, then to dip in randomly. I found a few sites listing Lectionary schedules, the one most useful to me was here. It looks like it's more of an Episcopalian thing than any other denominations. Incidentally, the schedule is for the current year - "Year B". (there is a three-year rotation).

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