Friday, August 12, 2022

Eighty five percent

 Or maybe more, I don't know.

But there was some kind of miscommunication with the big-boss and the worker guy didn't want to start on the kitchen floor without input from him on cost (possibly: what he was going to get paid, and if it has to be more, I'll find the money). 

So anyway: the house is painted, the sewing room is fixed, the front door is painted, BUT the kitchen floor is still broken. And I can't put anything away in the kitchen and my pantry is entirely jumbled up in boxes in my dining room and I can't FIND anything.

In desperation I texted my friend Dana, she is coming to help me move stuff and figure out how to reconfigure things until the fix is in place. I just can't keep jumping over boxes of stuff and having to root around in boxes when I want a particular food item

But I am SO TIRED. So tired of this. So tired of worrying about schedules and yes, of course, classes start the 22nd and I also have meetings on Friday and maybe Thursday.

And of course, this means no Chickasaw trip, unless I went tomorrow, and it'll be SUPER crowded tomorrow, so no. Not sure what I will do with my last free Saturday of the summer. I would like to do something but I also don't want to wind up spending money until I know how much more I owe. (As it turns out: if it were what he quoted me initially I could pay the full remaining amount with it just being a BIT of a squeeze for a couple months, but if it's a couple thousand more? He'll have to wait for part of the six months he gave me). 

I am worried because normally the GC is more responsive to his guys, and he did say at one point he was needing a pacemaker, so I hope that's not it - I hope he's either just busy or is taking a couple days off and will respond to Martin over the weekend. 

But I really am tired of the disruption and things being imperfect and I kind of want to cry a little. I'm considering just getting a pizza for dinner tonight because it's been a long, hard couple days, and I've been massively cooped up in the house (because Martin had to ask me things periodically, or have me do stuff like tell him where outlets were) but yeah. I'm just kind of fried emotionally. 

Frankly, after these past three years now, I'm just generally fried emotionally from EVERYTHING and am not sure what to do to recover.

So this was what my dining room looked like this morning:

Dana helped me move the wood case (which is very heavy) and reposition things, and then on my own (because I need to know where I am putting stuff so I can find it) put the canned/dry goods out on the shelves:

Far from perfect but at least I can move around in the room and find things I need for cooking. I feel a little better with the chaos tamed, but I still think I might just get a pizza for dinner.

I really don't want pizza for DAYS and I wish Pizza Hut still did personal pan pizzas (that I could just drive out and pick up) but most places are all about mass quantities now.

I suppose I could freeze the leftovers. Anyway, I think I'm going to eat an early dinner and then wash my hair; I couldn't last night because they were here late doing the last bits of painting. 

the other option, now that I have a little headspace: I have all it would take to make pizza at home, which would be more effort but zero money, and I could quickly wash my hair while it was in the oven. Also the set up I have makes a small pizza, and it's less greasy than "out" pizza, so it seems more healthful.


Update: as the pizza I made was letting its cheese melt, I got a text from the big-boss. There HAD been a misunderstanding about things, and it sounds like Marteen (that's apparently how his name is spelled, I figured it was Martin or Martìn) will likely come back next week. (I will be up and dressed by 8 tomorrow JUST IN CASE he decides to show up then)

so, lol, I guess I didn't need to put my pantry all back together in the dining room, but I didn't know - at least now maybe, just maybe, the Chickasaw trip can be back on.

I commented on Twitter, before I got the texts: "I'm gonna gripe about this if it turns out the floor can be fixed early next week" and I probably still WILL gripe about the extra labor I did, but maybe the Umbrella Principle applies here? That if you prepare for the worst case (taking an umbrella with you; here, me setting my pantry back up in the dining room) then the worst case won't happen (it won't rain, or, here: I won't have to go months before my floor's fixed)

There will be a bit more of a charge but I can make it work; it took a lot of material to fix the siding and I get that

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

I'm exhausted just reading about it.