Sunday, September 15, 2019

Under another pseudonym

So, I wrote a thing and submitted it elswhere, and it got published today.

I have another piece I'm working on (editing, and also, because it's still kind of emotionally raw, letting it sit a bit) on grief, and I am contemplating trying to write another one for over there on trying to learn an instrument when you are Old. (At one time I thought about trying to write a book of essays entitled "Learning to Play The Piano at 40" because that's how old I was when I started, but I eventually gave up on it because I had no time to write, and I'm not sure there's more than one essay in that anyway).

I'm a bit apprehensive because I do occasionally get some pseudonymous hate over there from some jerk. The people who run the site tell me it's a serial troll who keeps getting banned and popping up under other names, but....if you want to, pop over there and read the essay.


Jay said...

Nice read...

Ignore the trolls, the detractors, and those who delight in inflicting misery on others.

Roger Owen Green said...

I'll be linking to the actual post at the end of the month.