Friday, September 06, 2019

I was tempted

Even though it goes against every sense of duty and obligation I have, I admit, at about 2:30 this afternoon I was looking at the Amtrak website, with the thought of "if the northbound Texas Eagle is hours and hours late, and there's still a roommette, maybe I just buy the ticket, sign out "sick" for next week, and go up to hang out with my mom"

Well, also, my mom would be angry with me for skiving off of work.

But oh, I was tempted.

I am feeling being alone very hard today.

But the train was pretty much on time, so there was no sense even trying to get a ticket; I'd never get there in time to catch it.

It's probably good I have that needle felting class tomorrow; being out among people will be good for me. I cancelled what was to be the first Sunday school meeting of the fall because I just couldn't prepare the lesson, both because of everything that has happened these past couple weeks and all the grading I have (I still have a batch of exams, and maybe after dinner I just start re-watching Parks and Recreation from Season 2...which is where it first got good...and grade on them).

Also tomorrow morning I have to mow again.

I hope the shop owners still have their pug and bring her to the shop tomorrow; I really need some friendly uncomplicated animal-time and there really aren't ways to get that easily around here (I guess there are animal shelters you can volunteer at but none within an easy drive of me).

One thing I will HAVE to figure out, once retirement gets closer: either how to tolerate being alone a lot (that is: not having work to go to with colleagues) or how to get more people in my life to be around. As much as I groan at the idea of taking on tons of volunteer work (like being a "pink lady" at the hospital), I may have to, because sitting staring at the same four walls makes me weird and sad.

I'm an introvert - being around people wears me out - but being alone too much is bad for me too.

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