Saturday, March 09, 2019

it's too many

I had asked (on Twitter and maybe here) for prayers for a man named John. His wife (Modra) is a good friend of mine.

He had had to have emergency kidney surgery and all looked well. Then, last night, he had a massive heart attack and died. He had been fighting cancer so I am sure other organ systems were affected by the treatment/illness.

I'm pretty gutted by this. Things had been looking up for him; he was getting a newer immunotherapy treatment that seemed to be doing great. And I know Modra is devastated; they were a very close couple.

I have work to do this morning but it's a little harder to buckle down to it now.

1 comment:

purlewe said...

I am so sorry. I am just seeing this now. I had seen his surgery was successful and I didn't realize the rest. I am so sorry.