Friday, December 14, 2018

Change in plans

And because of them, this is Big Mood for me this morning:

(I am surprised at how well a stop-motion animation character can capture that grumpy aggrieved surly mood)

It's a right pig of a day out there. Cold, windy, rain blowing in your face. I got to the post office to arrange for held mail, send off a few last cards (one claimed it required extra postage but when the person weighed it, she said it did not), and send off the extra yarn from my sweater to someone who is going to use it for charity knitting.

Filled the car up with gas.

Tried to go to my credit union but, womp womp, they do not open until 9 am so I will have to do it on the way home from here.

But yeah. Going antiquing, especially on a day when the courthouse near the antiques place is open and parking will be hard to come by, is not a good idea on a day like this. Also, given our "wonderful" drivers, I don't want to risk a fender-bender because someone doesn't remember that wet roads mean more stopping distance.

I'm hoping graduation is short enough tomorrow and I'm not headachy after it (I sometimes am, because air horns) and I can go THEN. But bleaaaaah.

I work hard and recently, the TWO days I really had time off to go do what I wanted to do were cruddy days where it was inadvisable to drive an hour's round trip. Oh, I know it's not personal but I'm still super irritated by it.

I also need to get a size-7 16" circular needle for a hat I want to make over Christmas. If worst came to the absolute worst, I could *probably* pick one up at the Michael's in my parents' town, but I'd rather go prepared, and that's one size I do not have. (I have about 6 size-7 32" ones, because sweaters, but I HATE HATE HATE doing that thing where you fold up part of the cord and have to shove stitches around. And yes, I could use dpns, but a circular is neater for things like hats)

But here are my tentative travel knitting plans:

- "Kelvin-Helmholtz waves cowl" in the laceweight version. I have the yarn for it (bright purple) and the size 4 circular it will need

- "Deputy Headmistress" socks, which I have finally settled on doing out of a pink sparkly Stroll yarn. I don't think Minerva McGonigall had a pink sparkly side to her but maybe she did. And anyway, I do.

- "Fairy Lights" socks. I have a speckle yarn for these; the original was made out of a speckle yarn and I think that would look best for it.

- "Little Horse Piem". I am planning on making a Michael's run for yarn for this. And also for:

- Bracken the Fox (I may tweak the sweater pattern a bit so it's removable - maybe even try making it a cardigan type. I wonder if you can do steeks on crochet...)

- Maybe Hammerhead shark (am taking the pattern and a G hook, will decide when up there if I want to make this).

- Krummholz hat I have yarn for this, I just need the size-7 needle. Have been wanting to make this for a long time, I think it's time.

 - Midsummer magic unicorn IF AND ONLY IF I can fit the enormous amount of yarn it takes (I already have it: bulky weight) in my suitcase. I will also have to consult the pattern to see what needles I need to bring with me for it. (I have my big case of double-points and crochet hooks I carry with me, but for things requiring circular needles I have to remember to bring those).

Probably the in-progress socks, maybe the Soccer Mitts for me (never started the second one). Probably a little "spare" sock yarn just in case (if the weather's bad and I can't get out to do fun things). Maybe dig around in my toy patterns and see if there's anything else I might want to make. Probably finish the Honey Cowl, if I don't finish that before I leave.

Not sure about bigger projects. I would like, maybe, to take Harvest with me (it's starting to actually look like a sweater now that I divided the sleeves out) but I don't know if I'll have room, and I tend to have a history of not working on big, long-term projects while on break. Maybe instead I take some more sock yarn and a shawlette pattern and start on that....I still have some time to consider. (Seeing as I'm probably STUCK AT HOME* this afternoon)


I also just think I feel kind of....I don't know, worn-out and flat, because it's the end of the semester. And this was a hard one, and these past two weeks were a nightmare of grading. I'll probably feel better Monday evening when I climb on that train and pull out a mystery novel in my compartment, and think about baking cookies and helping set up a tree (My parents got one last week, and yes, they still get a live one despite all of us having allergies) and just sitting and knitting/crocheting for hours uninterrupted. I also hope to get out and do a little shopping - I need some new shoes and would like to get at least one new winter skirt or dress. (It's gotten harder with all the good stuff closing up in my parents' town, but I think the Kohl's and the Von Maur are still there....)

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