Tuesday, July 24, 2018

At long last

I finally finished Heartthrob tonight. I did the last of the crocheting last night, and attached the different pieces, and did the mane and tail. I tried this time - at least with the mane - to kind of mimic the rooting pattern on the old G1 ponies (my original Heartthrob is one)

She's the one on the right in this photo of the 1980s ponies:

The colors of my crocheted one aren't a perfect match, especially the hair, but sometimes it's hard to find the right colors.

I used the standard Elisabeth Doherty pattern (with added wings). For my Heartthrob, I simplified the cutie mark down to one winged heart instead of the four on the original figure:


As I said, I tried to make the hair kind of the same style as the hair on the figure. Her face, though - I tried to do eyes more like Rarity's (sort of almond-shaped and with blue eyeshadow). I read somewhere that the character of Heartthrob was somewhat the inspiration for G4 Rarity, because of her generosity and sort-of-romantic nature. I also wanted to do something a little different with the eyes.

It....took some effort. Lots of appliqueing, and also, this was one of those nights where it seemed like the darn phone was ringing every 10 minutes (I had to check; I kept hoping it was going to be the church secretary saying the minster was over his problem) but it was "Unknown Caller" every time.  So it took me longer than it should have.


It's a little hard to get a good photo. I didn't do the usual "eyeliner" like I've done on the ponies - it would mean embroidering along the lidline of the eyeshadow section, and when I laid the perle cotton against it, it made her look kind of "mean" and I didn't like that - so I left it off and just did eyelashes. Here's another photo:

close up

(I tinkered a bit with the brightness and contrast on there - it was kind of a dark photo)

And the semi-obligatory webcam photo. My hair's kind of a mess (I washed it and haven't really combed it out and I'm in pajamas, but I guess it's OK):

1 comment:

Purlewe said...

I love the detail and all the work you put onto these ponies. She looks great!