Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The next top

Even though I'm not done yet with the current top (and for the layout, if I get the squares all ready by this weekend? I might carry them in to my classroom building and use one of the hallways to lay that quilt out, and also another one I have in block form), I decided to pick out my next set of fabrics.

It was easy - this was a stack I had with the fabric I intend to use for sashing and the book with the pattern all together. And I think I need this right now:

next quilt pile

Cute animal fabrics (and some florals, and some geometrics) in bright, almost "mod" colors.

Here's a closeup of the two fabrics that really inspired the whole planning:
cute animals

(My one concern is that, being "strong directionals," I won't be able to get the right number of pieces out of each of those fat quarters - because I will want them to be vertical. But I also have lots of other cute fabrics on hand and surely I could find another cute animal fabric to fill in, and just use a baker's dozen, rather than a dozen, fat quarters).

I think what I'm going to do for this one is cut all the pieces and then number the different fabrics, and use some kind of a Sudoku-like scheme on paper to arrange them so no two dark colors are too close, no too same fabrics are next to each other, etc. I did that once before and it worked well - though it's easiest when you have a limited palette of fabrics (unlike the current quilt which has maybe 20 different)

And here's the sashing, and also the book with the pattern in it (I've had that book for quite a few years, at least five or six).

book and sashing

If you have the book, the pattern I am making is called "Picnic Quilt" - just long rectangles with sashing, and a "staggered" set. (There's also a clever way to do a large-scale Grandmother's Flower Garden in there with no hand-piecing: it sort of pixelates the design and uses rectangles instead of hexagons)


Other than that, so far today I went and voted (my state's primary, and also there was a local question and a state question). I went shortly after seven and there were already a few people there. They are saying the turnout for this primary might be higher than the 2016 Presidential primary (in which I also voted, but I early-voted). I suspect that might be partly reflecting the level of disgust with the current leadership in the state (hopefully a lot of incumbents will find themselves out come November) but also maybe the medical-marijuana question is bringing people.

Then I came home and cut brush. I got seven wheelbarrowfulls down to the curb before I pooped out. (Yes, there is still more. Those vines are just terrible. I still have to do the back, along the fencerow). Showered, re-dressed in acceptable-for-out-of-the-yard clothes. I need to be disciplined and do a bit of piano practice, and maybe go over and try to do a little reading before lunch.

Though I am tempted to stay home and sew instead.

(Tonight is Bell Choir.)

Tomorrow I will try to go in - the afternoon will partly be taken up by the routine screening mammogram (the one all women over about 45 are urged to get) but at least it's one of those "mobile unit" deals so it's right on campus.

I do think Friday I might go to the new yarn shop in Sherman, just to see what they have.  And to the antique shop as well, since it's practically next door. I get paid the end of this week so I feel like I have a few bucks to play with. (I was good last month and moved $1000 to my savings account so I would be less tempted to spend it...gotta start saving up for an eventual replacement for my current car).

Maybe I run over to school, and if I get a couple Pomodoro's worth done, after lunch I get to go to Lulu and Hazel's and think about sashing fabric for Yet Another Top or look at their sale fabrics? I'm slowly circling back to working on the handsewn hexie quilt again - last time I was there I bought a couple of sale pieces that would work in with those colors.

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