Saturday, April 02, 2016

three quick things

* Hot water heater is still heating. I am still getting someone in next week to check it out but I was able to wash towels on hot this morning.

* Wondering if the latest stomach stuff was me actually getting re-infected (or, more likely, newly infected with a different "bug") with one of the way-too-many stomach viruses going around. I get these, I am never very sick (it takes A LOT for me to vomit, it's been years since I did), mainly get stomach cramps and food aversion, worry something's wrong, and then a few days later realize I'm better.

I know I've had lots of students out for a day or two with stomach stuff.

* I really liked this morning's New Pony episode. Not gonna give anything away too much but it had a lot of fun little moments in it, Rarity doing her Pinkie Pie impression, lots of Pinkie reaction shots. And Maud Pie actually SMILES at one point.

I understand this is a new-writers' episode, and I was pleased. Not sure what the rest of the fanbase thinks but I liked it and hope these guys do a few more episodes this season.

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