Monday, November 23, 2015

Some traveling mercies?

Around here (I had not hear of the concept really, before I moved to the South), people talk about "traveling mercies" - essentially, prayers for the safety and comfort of those traveling.

I feel like I need some of those today. The news - it's so darn full of bad news these days - is talking about how there are "vague threats" and that TSA et al. will have an increased presence. And while I'm probably pretty safe - taking a train in the middle of the country - still, I am good enough at what ifs to be slightly concerned. (Moreso about TSA over-reaction where we all get trooped off somewhere and our hands swabbed and our bags searched, that seems a more realistic likely problem)

I hope the "vague threats" are nothing and that if anyone is planning to do ill to travelers, they are caught before they do anything.

"New normal" is a phrase I hate, and with good reason. (They were talking about how concerns about getting around in Paris is the "new normal" for Parisians. And, unrelatedly, how the big budget cuts on my campus are now the "new normal"). "New normal" is never used for anything that's good.


I did finish the cowl last night, so I have my own version of the cowl for invigilating knitting (I give an exam today).

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

I pray you have a safe journey and an enjoyable time with your family.