Wednesday, October 07, 2015

And it's on

Longview trip next week looks like a go!

That makes me very happy. I need a day talking with someone about stuff that is not work or volunteer work related. And a day of yarn and maybe books!

I deposited the check from the publisher the other day, so I can withdraw that and use it as "fun money." This is typically what I do with that kind of income, as it is "over and above" my regular gig and not money I count on to make my budget.

it's good, once in a while, to feel like you can go and enjoy shopping without having to watch the budget so strictly. I get that that's a rare thing for people and it's a privilege, but I'm glad I can do it once in a while.


purlewe said...

\o/ YAY!

purlewe said...

\o/ YAY!