Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Not quite Hobson's

It's not Hobson's choice if you have two options that are both less than ideal, but it's close.

I turned off the "verify for me you are not a robot" function, because I was getting so few comments, and I didn't want to put up extra hurdles for commenters.

Well, it took about 3 days and now the robots have found me again. Got some spam all in Russian except for the dodgy link to some exercise diet site.

For now, I'm going to leave the "not a robot" verification off - because I like my non-robot commenters and want them to feel welcome - but if I get really hammered with garbage it may have to go back on.

So my choice is to wade through cruddy spam to gather the gems, or make it hard for people to leave real comments.

I don't want a flying car or even a food replicator. I want some way to take spammers, telemarketers, and all those other people who cause that kind of minor misery in life, and de-gravitize them, so they float up over the rest of us (like the toilets and the Parisian statues in Home after the Boov arrived) and they can't touch their computers or their phones.


Anonymous said...

eventually the robots will figure out how to indicate 'i am not a robot'-

i trimmed hedges for 8 hours today- the result was a set of sore shoulders and a headache from hours in the texas sun- i reached for the ibuprofen- i took two- now i remember those ibuprofen warnings too- i am awaiting either cardiac arrest or liver failure-

good luck with your new semester-
barb in east texas

Roger Owen Green said...


Lynn said...

I actually don't mind the new "Prove you're not a robot" thing with the pictures.