Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday afternoon random

* Knitting mojo (in the sense of wanting to knit) has returned. For a while, I think partly because of the wharrrgarrrblll with the air conditioning, I didn't feel much like doing anything. But now I want to get some of the stalled projects done - last night I finished a fingerless mitt and started its twin. I also have a couple pair of socks going, a couple simple shawls, the Hagrid sweater.....for a while I might work on a different thing each night until I finish a few things.

* It's been very humid here. We had a dewpoint of 72 this afternoon. Even this morning, I was having a hard time managing the workout, but now I'm glad I powered through (at one point I thought, "quit now and do the rest when you get home" but it was less humid then than it is now).

*It's also been really humid in the lab rooms. The air conditioning system is broken. The secretary called it in, they told her "a part is on order," which I think is the air-conditioning version of "the check is in the mail" and it is what they have told us EVERY summer since 2002 when the thing has pooped out for a while. (I have been told, off the record, that they cheaped out and bought too small of an air handler for the building, which is why it keeps breaking. I would not be at all surprised if that were true, and not just because of the source of the information)

* As a result, the air in the lab rooms is, to use a word from the book on the history of air conditioning I'm reading, become "vitiated." Good word, that. It literally means, "having reduced quality or being spoiled or unwholesome" but the chemistry meaning is that the oxygen is gone from the air. And it FEELS vitiated in that room. I could feel my chest getting tight and painful and was having a hard time getting my breath while doing the pre-lab. (I'd really gripe hard to someone who could do something about it if I were teaching an afternoon lab in there every day, but it's only once a week).

I did borrow the box fan and having air circulating made a little bit of a difference. It's not that the room is so very hot, it's that it's humid and there's NO air circulation, and that's where I begin to have problems. (I also had some cramps in the intercostal muscles earlier in the day; I think I overdid it on the workout this morning)

*One more MLP 100 thought: Cranky is really a cheap jackass*, isn't he? Going for the half-priced invitations that turned out to be wrong....if they do another Cranky/Matilda storyline, I wonder if his cheapness will come into play.

(*It's okay for me to call him that because he IS one.)

I dunno. As I said on Twitter, the episode was gloriously redonkulous and I stand by that - I've watched it twice more since and I still like it. (I like it better than "Make New Friends but Keep Discord" - I was actually slightly disappointed in that one).

I also wonder if Octavia will be found to have been faking her British accent, that she's not REALLY from Trottingham, but is an impostor. (On the other hand: Peter New really did a glorious job with Doctor Whooves and I will admit to having bought a "Tenth Doctor Pony" pattern from Ravelry....all it will take will be getting the right shade of tan for his coat, I have all the other things needed. Yes, still wanting to make ALL THE AMIGURUMI. If I ever had someone around I was comfortable letting in on my critter obsession, I'd have them photograph me buried in a giant pile of all the ami's I've made over the years, a la E.T. hiding out in the stuffed animals....

And yeah, I kind of love Dr. Whooves now, based solely on  this episode)

Also, DerpyMuffins is still my favorite background pony and I am really happy with how they portrayed her in this episode - clumsy and maybe a little scatterbrained but kind and helpful. And I really like the new voice for her, as I said, I hear hints of Judy Holliday, or a Judy Holliday-type in it.

* The title for Sunday's sermon at church was "Love 'em all and let God sort 'em out" which a really nice (and to my mind, anyway, funny) rethinking of an old slogan that I remember seeing posted in an Army-Navy surplus store.

And while I don't always succeed with it - and I succeed with it better when I know a little something about the person - I do try to let that be my default condition. In the sense of not being so judgmental about stuff, because really, that's above my pay grade so to speak. There's a lot of stuff people do that I don't like, but it's not my place to take them to task or punish them for it; there's Someone Else they will ultimately answer to.

Oh, I think if we see someone doing something hurtful to another we are to step in and try to stop it, or to talk to the person later and try to show them that they maybe need to treat the other person differently. But, all the judgy stuff that seems to go on....yeah, there are people who do stuff that maybe doesn't directly harm but which is kind of crazy and goofy.....I don't know. I know there's a point where you draw a line and say, "No, this isn't okay" but there are also things about which you do, as the title said, "Let God sort 'em out."

As I've said before: the only person whose behavior I control absolutely is my own. I can maybe prevent someone from hurting someone else (or I can stand by the person being hurt, if it's something like bullying), but really, I'm the only one I control.

But I do like the idea of just loving people without going, "Okay, this behavior and that behavior are problems and I need to withhold my love from them until they change it...." especially when the behaviors in question aren't actually harming someone. (I suppose there's something related to how crazy it makes me when people judge others harshly for aesthetic choices like what tv shows they watch....)

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