Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Made me smile

This .gif (made from a scene from Episode 100) popped up on Equestria Daily:

Hee. That makes me smile. My all-time favorite background pony in a cute scene. (I think I would have liked it even better with the caption "I have done nothing productive all day")

Been swapping out projects....the mitts, Baymax, last night I worked on the hat-to-give-away. I want to finish at least a couple things before I start anything new - probably those three things I listed are closest to done.

Piano lesson went well today and I start my next session (she does them in sessions of 10, and has you pay for 10 at a go) soon.....I'm glad she can still give lessons even with her other job. I'm beginning to see myself making progress again. One thing I'm finding is that with learning certain skills like playing an instrument, your progress isn't necessarily steady even when you work steadily at it - I hit plateaus on the piano where it seems like I'll  never get better, and then, all of a sudden, it's like I break through a wall. (I wonder if childhood learning, like learning to read, is like this? I learned to read so young - 4 - that I don't remember LEARNING, I just remember BEING ABLE to read).

I'm getting better at being able to "jump around" on the keyboard (that is, hit a chord one place and then move and hit the right chord somewhere else).

For next week, I get to pick a new piece to start - I decided on "Georgia on my Mind" in the original Hoagy Carmichael arrangement. I THINK I should be able to play it, I tried just a little of the opening.

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