Thursday, April 30, 2015

Finally, something finished

I finished a thing. It's small, but still:


I said a little while back that a Ravelry friend is doing a hat-mitten-and-cowl drive for a school in Minnesota. I decided to take part, so this is the first hat. It's just the simple watchcap pattern from Knit Hats! (modified so I could knit it in the round). I made an Adult Medium, which is big enough to fit me - I did that intentionally because lots of times in these drives people think of the little kids (and also, little stuff is faster and takes less yarn) and sometimes the older kids get forgotten. And I chose a color that could be construed as gender-neutral as well.

Here's a photo taken with flash if that last one was too dim:


Also, while I was digging around in my stash  yarn looking for "unaffiliated" skeins of washable yarn for other hats, I found a skein of Vanna's Choice in a tweedy brown that will be perfect for a Baby Groot amigurumi. I KNEW I had the yarn hanging around, now I have put it out where I can get to it when I finish a few other things.

I finished this last night, watching a few more streaming videos on the new dvd player. I'm working my way through the "comedy" anime series Loki Ragnarak, Mythical Detective (which I keep wanting to think of as Lopi Ragnarok - Knitter's Freudian slip?) I guess it's kind of an all-ages series (although there are a few very minor curse words - like "damn" - in the English translation.) It's an odd premise - Loki is apparently exiled from Valhalla (or wherever the Norse gods live) or he runs off under threat of being killed by Odin. He takes on the form of a human, but for some reason chooses to be a pre-teen boy. He lives more or less alone in a big mansion (he has a gentleman's gentleman to assist him). He claims to be a detective, but I'm not sure if that's just a front for him trying to find some magical artifact he needs to save his life. Somehow, a teen girl (Mayara), who's crazy over the paranormal, meets up with him and now she is sort of working for them. And Thor shows up, in the form of another high school student, part-time deliveryman, and general freeloader on Yamino's (the gentleman's gentleman) good nature and willingness to cook. And Freyr makes an appearance as a thief. And Loki has a "familiar," a weird little cat-rabbit thing that floats. And I guess Fenrir makes an appearance later on.

I don't remember my Norse mythology very well, but it does seem there's been some playing fast-and-loose with how things work, but that makes it kind of fun. And the cultural differences add an interesting layer to it.

(There are some non-all-ages anime on Amazon Streaming. I started to watch one set in an intergalactic bath one point was surprised that the female characters were shown topless. (Though it WAS a bath house, where people went to bathe) That would not generally happen in an American cartoon. Not that it was really presented as being titillating* reaction was kind of "meh, I see the same thing, more or less, every morning in the mirror when I am getting dressed" though maybe I would have felt differently if I were a teenaged boy. I wound up giving up on it because the plot was extremely complicated and I was tired and didn't feel like trying to figure out what was going on. One of the differences between Japanese and US animation seems to be that in the US, there's a lot more exposition and in the Japanese, perhaps its assumed the viewers have read the manga that many of these are based on....

*And yes, I've heard of the concept of fanservice and this may have been some.)

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