Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I can't decide

I want to start the Rickenbacker Shawl (you can see a small photo here. It's a simple, yarn-over-lace shawl.

But I don't want to knit it in black. (Heh. the colorway on the original shawl was called, "Did I Listen to Pop Music Because I Was Miserable, or Was I Miserable Because I Listened to Pop Music")

Well, anyway, I tend to listen to Baroque music, or swing, or 1920s/30s dance-band music....and I tend to like brighter colors for accessories anyway.

I narrowed the "uncommitted" sockyarn to two choices (well, without digging even deeper in stash) and found these:

two choices

They both have merits. I like the springy quality of the one on the left (and it's a longer skein, so less worry about running short) but the one on the right is one of those color-shifting yarns and I think that would be fun for a shawl.

I think the one on the left would be more dressy and the one on the right more casual - maybe even wearable with jeans.

I'm going to have to think about it more.

Also, I grabbed a quick photo of me in the dress I wore today. Most of my clothing is kind of loose and so it makes me look bulkier (and I even look bigger to me in the photo than I do in the mirror...) but this is further evidence to me that the new workout program is having an effect; my "high waist" is noticeably smaller than it was a few months ago. (The dress is from Christopher and Banks, one of those mall-boutique places. It will probably get more of my business now that Coldwater Creek is gone...)


It IS a little formfitting and I usually wear a cardigan over it in class because it feels revealing to me, even though it's really far more modest than what some of my students wear. (And anyway, a pastel cardigan adds a note of color, which I kind of need - plain black and white aren't always the best with my complexion)


Charlotte said...

Which of the yarns would coordinate with more of your wardrobe?

purlewe said...

Charlotte has a good point. And I tend towards certain colors at this time of year simply b'c it is winter and I CRAVE COLOR. but I think the yellow is fun. The green color shift would make an interesting shawl. See... no help at all. but I like the colors you chose.