Friday, December 05, 2014

Semester's last Friday

I just have presentations in my classes today and I'm done with classwork. (Well, I have some grading to do, and someone is coming in to check to be sure they have all the courses they need for a minor)

I'm TIRED. I'm glad the weekend is here. Yesterday was long: gave two exams, graded same, had a faculty meeting (nothing big going on, nothing I have to do soon), ran home and baked cheese biscuits for the party, had my afternoon class, and then went to the party.

It was pretty good. I ate some stuff I don't normally eat (someone brought cheese wrapped in prosciutto and I just decided to heck with limiting sodium for one night). My gift was well received. (We play a variant on Dirty Santa, where numbers are drawn. Number 1 chooses her gift and unwraps it. Number 2 can either choose a new gift or "steal" the gift from Number 1. We do put in that if a gift is stolen twice it is "locked" and that you can't immediately steal back what was stolen from you, or else things might go on forever....) I got stolen from twice; the first time it was a light-up tree that played music (I was okay with that, it was a little bit gaudy for my taste) and the second time it was an elf decoration. I would have been fine with keeping the elf, but what I wound up with was better - one of the women had crocheted several small trivet/potholders and a scrubbie for washing dishes, and put them in a tin. I can actually use those and don't have to think about where to store them for 10 months out of the year. And they were handmade. (I exclaimed over them. It seemed like the person who made them was pleased that the "person who always makes things" approved of the gift).

(I will admit I get a little weary when a lot of back-and-forth stealing of gifts goes on....and some people really like to play it up, where they walk around and look at what everyone has and comment on it, and act like they're going to steal it....and then don't)

Plans for this afternoon are to clean house a little, prep my Sunday school lesson, and then sit down and knit on the second pair of gift socks for my mom. Tomorrow I'm going to head out fairly early (to try to avoid more of the crowds) and do what shopping I need/want to do. (I also need to pick up some kind of gift for the CWF's Crisis Center donation for Monday - either something for a child or a woman. Last year I bought a sweatsuit sized for a woman and one of those doll/blanket things for a child. I'll look around but I admit I keep circling back to the idea that underwear would be a good choice - it is NOT a glamorous or even very "fun" gift, but I think if I had had to leave my home in a hurry with little other than the clothes on my back, a few changes of underwear would be the thing I'd want most.... I've also read that a lot of homeless shelters have commented on how good and useful it is for people to donate tube socks, because their clients always need clean new socks.)

I might also bake some cookies for the finger-food feasting next week....

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