Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Things are mixed

* The Krav Maga seminar was cancelled; not enough signed up. They're going to refund me the money. There would be the option to go up in February to Ada and do one but - I don't know what my schedule is like yet for then, and also, February can mean icy roads, so. I might still sign up and do it as the time draws closer but I'm not willing to commit right now.

I WILL say the people from Oklahoma Combatives were super professional about their response and the speed with which they took care of things. It's unfortunate not enough people signed up but the company did their best to do right by us.(And the guy in charge did say they were maybe going to try again in April, so I might have another shot at it here.)

* I'm not as sad about it as I thought I might be. I'm really hurting from the calisthenics (which tells me I probably need to do that more regularly) and also, I think I pulled one of my shoulder muscles trying to move something that was too heavy for me. (And I think I need to keep trying pushups. I hadn't been doing them because of the fall off my porch last year and I was afraid I'd permanently weakened that elbow, but a quick trial the other day said no, I can still do them - and I can do the kind where you are working from your toes, not your knees. Just not very many at once but if I keep working I can increase that. I admit I sort of wish I were the kind of person who could do one-armed pushups, but I bet that's not in the cards for me even if I work hard on the regular kind. Why one-armed? I admit I fantasize a little about some day someone talking smack about my body type or weight and me just dropping down and doing a few one armed push-ups, and then looking at them with a raised eyebrow.)

* Also, this gives me time to work on the two exams I have to write for next week without pushing myself like crazy to do it tomorrow or Friday afternoon. And if I want to go do a Big Grocery Shopping day Saturday morning, now I can.

* And I was a little scared of it, I admit: slightly older, fattish woman who seems to pull muscles and twist ankles easily. I don't like looking like a piker in front of others so I sometimes push myself too hard at stuff and wind up hurting myself.

* I still hope the new skiier is on order. I'm not happy with the customer service from Icon fitness. I had e-mailed their "contact us" link and asked about it, and got an e-mail back essentially saying, "That's not my department, e-mail this guy instead." Either they're really disorganized, they've outsourced a lot of the customer-service stuff to a really incompetent and limited company, or they're on the verge of shutting down altogether and everyone's in panicflail mode.

If I don't get a satisfactory answer from the new guy I'll cancel the order and take my chances ordering a refurbished unit from a third-party seller. But I'm NOT happy about this. Having easy access to cardio exercise I can do is important to me.

I suppose I should just drive down to Academy some time and see what kind of equipment they have. I'm still thinking maybe sometime an elliptical machine would be a good replacement for the skiier. (I need something weight-bearing to fight osteoporosis, so something like a stationary bike is kind of out, and I want something that works both the upper and lower body, so something like a treadmill is out. Also treadmills tend to be bigger than what I have room for)

* I did go ahead and order a dance-aerobics dvd (I have Amazon Prime, so it should be here Friday). It says that it uses "world music" which is generally more interesting to me than the standard aerobic-pop, and they also noted it was a low-impact workout not requiring great coordination (I can dance but I look more like Twilight Sparkle and less like, I don't know, Shakira, when I dance). If I find it good I'll post the title here in case anyone else wants to try it out.

* I cancelled field lab for this afternoon. Or rather, rescheduled it for next week (I work in a bad-weather day to the schedule). Partly it was that it's just still wet here - we got a lot of rain, there are puddles everywhere, it would be muddy and some of those trails get slick when it's muddy and I don't want people falling. Part of it is it's kind of damp and chilly and I didn't totally feel like going out and I could tell the students didn't. Hopefully next week will be clear. It's supposed to be a bit colder, but chilly and dry beats chilly and wet.

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