Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Something for me

I have a lot of projects going. Many of the stuff I was working on over the summer got bagged up and stuck in my bedroom during one of the times I cleaned up. That means I kind of forgot about those things until I found myself wondering, "Where are all my row counters?" The answer is, tied up in unfinished projects.

So last night, even though I still have some Christmas knitting to work on, I pulled out one of the stalled projects and added a few more rows to it - the Aestlight shawl. I'm still only working on the center triangle; I have about 25 more rows before I start on the edging.

I have two small shawls going and I do want to work on these and get them done some time. I also have yarn put aside for a Color Affection shawl (Fino in the colors that at least Loopy Ewe calls "Crystal Goblet," "Wardian Case," and "Brass Button." Yeah, two of those you might not guess the color from the name - Wardian Case is a medium green, sort of a fern green, Crystal Goblet is sort of a cream with a very pale green overlay. And Brass Button is what you might guess, a tarnished gold color. They do work together..... I'm going to put the palest color at the top (as the main color) and then work through Wardian Case and have Brass Button at the bottom)

I just like the names given to Fino. All of them are things you might find in a Victorian or Edwardian house.  I like it when dyers come up with evocative names for yarn colors, even if you couldn't necessarily guess the color from the name.


Day 2 of alternate exercise. I guess it's a good idea to change up what I do periodically; I was pretty tired and winded after a half-hour of calisthenics and walking back and forth while using the small (3 pound) weights. (I probably should figure out a good low-impact aerobics dvd and get it and use it from time to time).

Low-impact, because my knees already make a slight grinding sound with anything very high impact. My dad had a knee replaced and I'd really rather avoid that. (He ran track and played football in high school, he also jogged for a while as an adult. Of course, he also had one leg shorter than the other and that went undiagnosed until he was in his forties, so that could be part of it. I've been checked out and despite my having been born in West Virginia*, both my legs are the same length)

No, the knees don't HURT, but I can imagine that that grinding is the early sign that there might be some cartilage wear. 

(*there's an old joke about the livestock in mountainous states having the legs on one side of their bodies shorter than on the other, because of standing on a slope at all times)

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