Friday, October 24, 2014

And it's Friday

And I'm still feeling better. I suspect the thing I had wasn't so much horrible allergies as some kind of viral thing that did a good job of LOOKING like horrible allergies. Because I think if this were genuine allergies, I wouldn't be feeling this better this quickly, especially since the weather trends are more "BACK TO SUMMER!" than "FREEZE TIME!"

I will say I'm pretty much a nasal-irrigation convert now. I don't LOVE how it feels while I'm doing it, but it does do a good job of clearing the congestion and making me feel better later on. (And my sense of taste came back - I lost it for a day or two, which is not unusual for me with respiratory viruses). The nice thing about the nasal irrigation is that it's cheap (the premix packets don't cost much, and if you use boiled water rather than distilled water, it's also cheap) and it has no real side effects, so I can just keep using it.

I never did have a fever with this that I could detect, though it could be that when I was in the worst of it, I was taking regular doses of ibuprofen to stop the pain in my teeth, so that may have masked any fever.  This also started a lot differently from most respiratory viruses I've had, so that may be why I was like "something really big is wrong" (I thought sinus infection) rather than "oh, this is a cold."

I did go through a shocking number of tissues (three boxes, and that was just at home) this past week. Normally my allergies don't do that to me. (And now, I'm glad I turned down the steroid shot. That would have just made me feel worse, might have made the virus worse [steroid shots depress the immune system] and it wouldn't have helped as much)


The guy is coming out midday today to put sealant on my roof. This will cost less than $100 to do so I figure it's a good first thing to try. If it works, great; if it doesn't, it was still worth trying. (He seems to think it will take care of the problem.)

If it doesn't work, I suppose it will mean tearing off the roof covering and working up from the base, which will be more expensive and annoying.

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

my allergies are kicking in again. Damn this nice weather!