Thursday, September 25, 2014

Another distressing thing

A quick photo, before I head over to work and see if any of this mess works on my work-box.

I guess I have to never eat cashews again. I kind of suspected cashews and pistachios gave me hives (they are in the same botanical family as poison ivy), and it had been multiple months since I tried them.

But Wednesday evening I needed a snack, and there had been a pack containing cashews in my last Graze box, and so I was all, "Oh, what can the harm be?


Can you see how my left eye (on the right in the photo) is kind of puffy and jacked up?

Yeah, I felt something that seemed like a hive starting late last evening; it got worse overnight. The good news, I guess, is I don't have respiratory symptoms with these but I know it looks awful (it's less than when I first got up; I exercised, figuring that encouraging blood flow might remove the edema, and then I sat with an icepack on my face for a little while)

(Not flattering pictures from this webcam....)

ETA: Apparently comment notifications go to the .netcommander address, which I can still access, so it's all cool. (Thanks, Roger)


Roger Owen Green said...

My daughter is allergic to peanuts. We didn't realize it the first time, as she threw up, and we figured she had bug of some sort.

Charlotte said...

Wonder how your eye would look if you took some Benadryl when you went to bed?