Saturday, August 16, 2014

And still more

So, I get a flyer in the mail. From a new local "Restore and Preserve" organization. That is aimed at helping the elderly, disadvantaged, and disabled to keep up their properties BUT ALSO apparently to make all the rest of us living in even marginally "historical" districts toe the line.

Aha. So I can look forward to further harassment. Greeeeeeat. I grew up in a town with "historical districts" and in some of them, it was like people exercised their chances to be petty tyrants - that species of flower isn't on the list? Too bad. Want a new mailbox? Here, fill out an application packet and here are the two styles we consider acceptable. I don't expect it to be that crazypants right away, but I've learned that some people love to tell other people what to do, and it could get that crazypants.

And the founder lives a block south of me. Crap. So this neighborhood will get extra scrutiny. I don't know. I may wind up having to consider moving. (oh and on their website? They're asking for money and volunteers. Sorry, I won't have any extra money or time because I now have to have a showplace backyard. If someone hits me up I'm gonna tell them that.)

I spent several more hours this afternoon in the back garden cutting and hauling limbs and ripping out dayflower from the flower beds. I think what I may have to do in the future is just hire a landscaper and be done with it. Or maybe put down a bunch of gravel everywhere there aren't plants so nothing can grow.

 I'll have to cut something else out if I hire a landscaper - maybe cut back on contributions to charity, or eat one fewer meal a day, or never buy another book.

It drives me bonkers that the city can harass me about my backyard even though the only people who see it would be the few pedestrians in the alleyway or the OG and E guys when they have to come through to fix something back there.

Also, it looks like I will have to go and plead my case before the Board, even though I'm working hard on "abatement." Screw my life.

1 comment:

CGHill said...

The quasi-historical Urban Conservation Districts up here in the 405 -- I live in one -- have lots of rules, but only a few are district-specific. And what's more, there are two houses on my way home that have been ticketed for Tall Grass, but the guys from Zoning apparently don't write up your back yard unless your front yard has already failed.