Monday, February 10, 2014

glaze of ice

That's what they're talking about.

I arose the usual time (4:30) this morning, decided before suiting up for exercise to call the campus recorded-closing-ling. "No updates at this time." So I did my workout, packed a lunch, switched on the telly.

No closings as of 6 am.

By 6:30, though, they were rolling in. I thought, "Watch. I'll get over there and campus will close."

Well, as far as I can tell, it hasn't yet (They put something up on the webpage). But it is icy and likely to get worse. There was ice on my front steps when I went out (I'm glad I decided to go with the most tractiony pair of shoes I own today - some old cross-trainers - instead of the clogs I was planning on wearing). There were a couple slick spots (slick to walk on, not to drive on) in the parking lot.

I'm supposed to do the texture lab (the longest soils lab) today. A number of my students drive in from far away. Crud. I guess I'll set it up anyway and grumble if they close school at noon or something. (I can't leave it set up; other people use that room)

By the way, it's supposed to be nearly 70 this coming Sunday. I'd say I'm ready for it except I'm not; I don't like big swings in temperature - I always get headaches. (I skipped a free concert at church last night because I had one last night).

I may not get to use the cake I baked for CWF tonight. Or, I may wind up seeing if I can take it down there and freeze it (I don't have enough room in my freezer). It should freeze well; it's just an un-iced hot milk sponge cake, and I was going to make a raspberry sauce to go on it. If the meeting is cancelled this week I suppose it will be rescheduled for next week.

(Yeah, the secretary just called: CWF is cancelled. But I can freeze my cake down there for future use. It's too much cake just for me; if I had done an 8" pan worth I probably would just frost it and eat it myself, but it's a big cake)


I turned the heel on the second Lydia's Secret Stocking last night. I might have enough yarn from the original ball to complete it, or at least it looks less dire now than it did when I was working on the leg. Oh well. I can make mitts or a hat out of the extra ball I emergency-bought for them.

I also added a few more hexagons to the quilt - it seems that I work on this more when I have it out where I can see it. 


Nearly 8 am (our first classes start at 8) and no word. So I guess it was worth driving over here today.

I won't be surprised if we're closed tomorrow - it's supposed to get worse tonight - but the one class I have tomorrow is one where I'm ahead of the syllabus, so no big deal if we lose that day.

I did go to the grocery (just the wal-mart here in town. It was awful, because it was Saturday afternoon, but I figured that the bridge over the river might be icy, and anyway, I was too tired to take a two hour or more shopping extravaganza). I forgot to get more Greek yogurt but I have enough for lunch for one more day after today. And I could rely on cheese if I had to (I can get pretty good low-sodium colby jack) the other days.

I will observe, after realizing that Sherman has more grocery options per capita, that we really need another large grocery store in town (and one devoted ONLY to selling groceries - not one where more than half of it is clothing or lawnmowers or toys or shampoo). I doubt we'll ever get it unless the population climbs even more, but one of the reasons the wal-mart is so awful during busy times is that it's the only large store in town, and the only place selling certain food items.

(I saw people lined up, three in a row, effectively blocking half of an aisle, because they were talking. We also need some kind of "third place" where people can go and socialize without making it difficult for those who just want to come in, buy their food, and scram. I wound up doing my typical Fluttershy-ish "Um, excuse me?" to people - I wanted to get in and get my food but I've dealt with enough people who got INCENSED that I was interrupting that I get really scared to speak to anyone)

One thing I did find at the store? Frozen macarons! Wal-mart is always surprising. The one near me often seems to have the cheapest, least appealing versions of some stuff - and they they bring in a few high-end things (but for how long, I know not). I bought a box. They were not outstanding (either freezing changes them a bit, or macarons are a bit over-rated for me) but they were still pretty good.

There were four flavors: chocolate, raspberry, pistachio, and vanilla. (Of the ones I tried, the raspberry were the best). The pistachio ones were colored with spinach (!) but I doubt that would count as a serving of vegetables. (Would that it did....)

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