Monday, April 22, 2013

Stick a fork

Okay, so far today I have:

1. Updated my vita for upcoming proposal submission
2. Written nearly the entire proposal (it has to sit overnight so I can re-read it to make sure no infelicities worked their way in. When I am working fast and in the zone I often say things in an awkward way I have to re-write later on)
3. Taught an hour's class over a topic I am not 100% comfortable with my knowledge of (viruses, especially the detail of the different kinds of RNA viruses)
4. Gave an exam
5. Graded same
6. Supervised make-up labs (yes, I'm too generous) for a couple of soils students who missed them first go 'round)
7. Write an exam for another class.

I'm DONE. I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight.

1 comment:

CGHill said...

For a Monday, that's downright industrious. (I tend to find the very idea of Monday so daunting that I run at maybe 85 percent at best.)