Monday, April 22, 2013

a little brag

In the service of updating my vita, and taking an "in press" paper to "published" (you have to submit a vita with the grant proposal), I found that my little invertebrate paper is available online.  (NB: .pdf file)

It doesn't start until page 100, so you'll have to scroll through if you want to see it. (It's not very long; it really got shrunk down in publication).

No, no photos; I didn't have any that seemed good enough that they would reproduce well.

I think that's the most recent paper I have out. (sigh. The academic publishing game really does warp you, instead of being able to stop and be happy about being published you have to think about "What am I going to get out for next year?")

The proposal is almost done; I mostly have to figure out the budget and equipment list (the most annoying part). At least I had the bare bones of the thing written from earlier.

1 comment:

purlewe said...

Congrats! That is great news!